Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pokemon Silver Freeze Patch English

Digital Seal Certified Electronic Billing

If you already have advanced electronic signature "FEEL", the next step for issuing digital invoices "Electronic Billing" is to have a digital seal protected by a certificate issued by the Administration Department tax.

This digital stamp will prove the authorship of digital invoices you issue, and so your customers will know that you were the author of the digital tax receipt.
The process for obtaining the digital seal certificate is very similar to that of advanced electronic signature, because, again, you're going to use the program SOLCEDI.

Application Generation Digital Certificate Seal

Application Digital Certificate Application (SOLCEDI) used for the taxpayer (corporate or individual) can generate the default certificate request digital stamp, password or private key digital stamp and a third file that is enveloping the file get request (*. req), which will become a (*. sdg). The latter is what the SAT is sent via the Internet.

SOLCEDI application is available on page shall be downloaded and run on your computer equipment.

This program generates the following products:

1 .- The requirement file Digital Certificate Seal , which contains the minimum data to generate the digital seal certificate. (*. Req.)

2 .- The key file or private key digital stamps. (*. Key). 3 .-
file requirement Digital Seal Certificate (*. req) is enveloping and generates a (*. sdg).

"This is the file that the SAT should be sent via the Internet."

The main difference between this process and you make when you apply your digital certificate "Your Faithful" is that you no longer have to go to the ALAC to complete the process.


not forget to keep:

- The key or private key digital label, ie the file (*. Key)
- The password key or private key.
- The password for revocation.
- Send your application for a Certificate of Seal Digital (*. sdg) System Access

Download Digital Certificate Seal:
Now that you submitted your request enveloping file (*. sdg) shall receive a receipt with transaction number, which can be used to track your Step and retrieve your Digital Certificate Seal.

If your procedure was successful, you can also download your digital seal certificate in the Certificates section using their recovery RFC.


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