After 2,800 kilometers across eight European countries from its source in the mountains Black Forest, the Danube ends its journey, ready to unite their waters with the Black Sea. But this end of the journey is really just the beginning of paradise. A natural paradise, wild, undisturbed: the Danube Delta.
end of the world's original and unique. Water and earth in an eternal struggle, forests inhabited by thousands of species among the rarest, marine dunes in a permanent metamorphosis. The genesis of the Danube Delta began a thousand years and still continues. However, he is reinvigorated and constantly innovating. It is no accident that the Danube Delta is considered the youngest region in Europe.
The third delta in Europe and the world number 22 from the point of view of size, the Danube Delta covers an area of \u200b\u200b4,178 km 2, and approximately 80% of it is in Romanian territory. Viewed from the Dealurile Tulcei (Tulcea Hills), the Danube Delta appears as a vast area of \u200b\u200bvegetation that contains silver threads. And, looking from above, we could see the shape of a triangle equilateral, the exact form of the Greek letter which took its name.
The Danube Delta experienced an evolution that is closely related to the three arms of the Danube which spilled into the sea: Chilia, Sulina, Sfântul Gheorghe. In the place where that occurs the first bifurcation of the arms, the average flow is about 6,300 cubic meters per second, which means that in two minutes the water pours an amount sufficient for the daily supply of a city of more of 1,000,000 inhabitants.
source: Rumaniatour.com
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