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European Master's Degree in Intercultural Communication, Interpretation and Translation in Public Services (Member of European Master's in Translation, EU-DGT)
INSCRICPCION OPEN TIME for the course 2011-2012 ( 6 th edition),
60 credits offered by the University of Alcalá
THE PROGRAM IS OFFERED IN 9 PAIRS OF LANGUAGES: English -alemán/árabe/búlgaro/chino/inglés/francés/polaco/rumano/ruso
* Pre-registration is done telematically from the website of the Graduate School until 25th March:
https: / / portal.uah.es / portal / page / portal / graduate / masteres_universitarios / preinscripcion_admision
* Admitted students may complete the registration from 26 April to 5 May 2011.
More information:
https: / / portal.uah.es / portal / page / portal / graduate / masteres_universitarios / calendario_administrativo
* The graduate program offered by the University of Alcalá focuses on the translation and interpretation in public services from an intercultural perspective and is offered in 9 pairs of languages: English - German / Arabic / Bulgarian / Chinese / English / French / Polish / Romanian / Russian. Its aim is to train future professionals in the field, preparing to act as linguistic and cultural cooperation between the staff of medical institutions, administrative, educational, etc. and users who ignore or do not speak English well.
The Master is organized in an academic year with 18 common and 42 ECTS credits ECTS credits specific to the chosen language pair. The master consists of the following modules: Intercultural Communication, Translation and Interpretation and Translation and Interpretation Health administrative law. It also includes mandatory practices and Final Project. Upon completion of the Master, students have the opportunity to continue with the Doctoral Program in Modern Languages, Literature and Translation.
Convener: Universidad de Alcalá FITISPos-UAH Group.
Venue: Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid: Department of Modern Philology
More information: http://www2.uah.es/traduccion
Fax: (+34) 91 885 44 45
aula.traduccion @ uah.es
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