Hello friends, this time we will show two entries of the mountain for public use (MUP) No 1 of Salamanca, which is called "La Geneste" and is located in the municipality of Alberguería of Argañán, but mostly belonging to the municipality of Casillas de Flores. This post is referring to the flora, rich and varied on this mountain.
We had spoken highly of the area and we desire to visit. This mountain is a mature Rebollar was throwing the first outbreaks, with ancient trees, with a high environmental quality as seen in the first image, which was the first thing you see when arriving at Mt.
Oak Grove View of "La Geneste" right one rebollo centenary.
After walking a while, observing the environment, vegetation and birds (very many) around us, we reached a small lagoon situated between the forest of Pyrenean oak, it frogs by their sounds were noted.
Landscape gap between Rebollar.
In the vicinity of the road we saw some specimens of wild fruit trees such as crabapple ( Malus sylvestris) and dogwood or cherry (Prunus cerasus) .
Guindo (Prunus cerasus) in bloom.
A curiosity is that in an area like this so absent from pollution proliferate very well on the Pyrenean lichens, these are good bioindicators of clean air and pure.
moss (Usnea meadowsweet).
understory As we find ourselves hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) , Mediterranean honeysuckle (Lonicera implexa) , yellow broom (Citisus scoparius) and gorse typical Pyrenean (Genista falcata) .
Gorse (Genista falcata) Pyrenean common.
Here we look at the herbaceous layer, dominated the pasture species such as Trifolium subterraneum or bulbous bluegrass. They were also frequently very striking species of flora.
geraníacea Species, known as "clocks" (Erodium circutarium) quite common in the bush.
Species of Asphodel (Asphodelus aestivus) . He has great ability to resist fire, and may revive by underground stems. In some areas and we flourished as see in the picture above, others have not flourished as we see in the next.
View from the floor of Rebollar, a creek and Gamones without flowering.
Less commonly observed to flare daffodil (Narcissus bulbocodium) , which only appeared in areas of abundant water.
Finally we leave you a panoramic view of the oak so that you can get an idea of \u200b\u200byour state.
with the surprises that provided us with wildlife. We hope that you will not disappoint.
A greeting.
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